What is a Content Creator in 2022?

Content creators, influencers, brand ambassadors– oh my! With the radical revolution of social and digital media, there are more opportunities than ever before to explore your own creative path. But what exactly does that look like? 

We may all have the essential tools: cell phones, laptops, access to social media channels, etc., but there is an undeniable art to creating evocative, exciting content that both speaks to and reels in your target audience. Through our extensive research, we’ve discovered what makes a content creator— but more specifically— what makes a strong, impactful, and sparkly artist. We’ve broken it down into three key portions: what is a content creator, tips and tricks to stay on trend while banging your drum, and what the future of creation looks like. 

Read on for more!

First things first, what is a content creator? We’ve all seen them on our Instagram feeds and TikTok pages, but what do they do exactly? When we break it down to brass taxes, a creator is someone who consistently makes materials that reflects their distinctive brand voice and aesthetic and hopes to connect with people who mirror those values. Content creation can span across social media channels, website landing pages, business cards, blogs, and so much more. But, regardless of medium, compelling content creators tapdance on the balance of showcasing information while building an emotional relationship for their audience. When you’re fashioning content, think about how do I want my materials to make people feel? Am I taking the actionable steps to ensure that it does that? 
The wonderful thing about content creation is that anybody can do it. You're golden if you’re committed and passionate about the world you’re building! 

Signed, sealed, and delivered to start your creative journey? Next, you want to take steps to stay ahead of the curve while remaining authentic to yourself and your brand. Here are some of our favorite pointers: 

  • Follow the 80/20 Rule: This magic rule is a critical, creative formula that top business analysts around the world have heavily researched. It states that 80% of your content should be dedicated to materials that educate, entertain, inspire, and share resources that pertain to your business’s mission. For example, if you’re a beauty brand: highlight some skincare or makeup companies that share your values. Technology or business company? Share some of the best business podcasts that will motivate your workers and start meaningful conversations. Whatever your sector, make sure your audience can glean more than just product advertisements from your page. The remaining 20% is all about YOU. Your incredible services, what makes your team special, and what your company is all about. Here’s the time to introduce your staff and show off all that makes your brand sparkle. 

  • Develop Your Brand Voice: This may feel like an elusive media term, but all it means is: how do you want to address your audience? What general tone do you want across your web copy and digital platforms? Consider the overall product you’re selling and your audience. What style will your audience best relate to that also relates to your products or skills? Whatever you choose, keep your words grounded in humanity and the universal truths we can all relate to– that’ll bring your patrons back time and again. 

  • Spin the Trends: We encourage you to keep aware of the latest trends. Knowing what audios are trending on TikTok or completing Instagram challenges isn’t the end-all, be-all of your digital presence, but implementing those that speak to you and your team can help keep your account modern. Make sure that you put your spin on each trend by tying it to what made you want to participate in the first place! By being as authentic and vulnerable as possible, you’ll be sure to find a loyal following. 

  • Know When To Speak: In 2022, we can often feel that we need to state an opinion on everything currently going on. While it’s undoubtedly essential to align your brand with the issues that matter to you- make sure that you’re not speaking over or on behalf of people that have historically and systemically had people bulldoze them. This is especially important to white, cis-gendered creators. So how can you help in a productive way that isn’t hogging the mic? Share BIPOC and/or queer creator work to your Instagram stories, or create resource lists that illuminate marginalized groups. Pinpoint the people who have done a tremendous job in their fields, and support however you can. Trust that that good karma will come back to you! 

Across the decades, content creation has been a juicy, inviting way to share new ideas, tease intriguing products, and become more connected to each other and the world around us. From 90s Carrie Bradshaw writing her infamous blogs to the 2000s early YouTuber, and now the electric content of 2022– we just love content. 

And while we’re all about celebrating the present moment, we can’t help but wonder what content creation will look like in 2023 and beyond. We hope that the future will continue to connect us, bring about new ideas that utilize the best of creativity and technology, and ultimately provide opportunities for us all to be more in the physical world as much as we’re plugged in online. Content creation opens doors for remote working, broadening work-life balance and stretching imaginations in new ways. We also hope that the future brings about a kinder, more empathic digital community– and we aim to be contributing to that now! 

Curious to learn more about the kinds of content and your creative style? Send us a message to get started. 

Always In Your Corner, 

-The Content Queens 


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