The Great Debate: Is it What You Know or Who You Know?

Whether you’re a young professional just wading into the work field or a seasoned pro looking to expand their horizons and climb further up that ladder– it all comes back to the golden question. Is it what you know or who you know? 

From students to CEOs, we’ve all mused on the secret to success. While there’s no clear-cut path to victory, we know it involves a magic combo of surrounding yourself with the right people, immersing yourself in the field you’re passionate about, and timing.  We’ve created a list of some of our top tips to help you and your team build up your media muscles and expand both what and who you know! Let’s get started. 

  • Take a Class: While this can seem a bit on-the-nose, it’s a perfect double-whammy. Participating in a class about the subject you’re excited about is a fantastic way to learn more about what interests you and build relationships with others who are just as passionate. In addition to more traditional collegiate-style classes, check out excellent sites like SkillShare and Masterclass to explore all you can! And, with the explosion of social media, more and more creatives are coaching niche subject matters– so you’ll be sure to get the specifics on what you want to know. Look into your favorite creators and see if they already teach or would be willing to coach 1:1.  For boosting who you know, make sure you’re thoughtfully engaging in the class, and don’t be afraid to reach out to your teacher and potential classmates. Share your questions, thoughts, and the opportunity to continue the discussion outside the Zoom room. 

  • Networking: There’s no doubt that networking is a critical part of broadening your circle of opportunities. It’s also universally difficult- as it requires that very careful balance between professional and personal. You want to be direct in a way that doesn’t feel too calculated or overwhelming to your reader– but how? Tiptoeing that tightrope can be tricky, so we’ve broken it further down to these nuggets of advice: 

    • Get Creative: Emails, Slack messages, DMS– people receive millions of letters each week. How can you make yours stand out and get a response? Get creative and personal about what they mean to you and ask questions that entice them to bite back. Something like: What’s inspiring you right now? I really loved what you had to say about x; what do you think of y? If you’re looking for book recs– I just read x and thought you would enjoy it!  Whatever you say, infuse it with heart, and advocate for yourself. Because if you don’t, no one else will. 

    • Monitor Your Media: Gone are the days when social media was just a fun way to post vacation photos. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn– these are now powerful digital business cards to broaden who you know. A few clicks and potential colleagues, employeers, and opportunities can learn more about you, and what makes your ideas unique. We realize that may sound daunting but it’s actually super exciting!! With so much out of our control– cultivating your digital footprint to best showcase how you want to be seen is a incredible tool. DM the folks in workshops you take, reach out to the people you’re energized by, or take a look at their followers and see if you could build potential relationships there!  For networking purposes– keep your materials reflective of what you bring to the party. What are some colors/visuals represent you? Are your captions and engagement on posts indicative of who you are? If you click on your own channel are you enticed to stay? 

    • Follow Up + Thank Them: After you’ve reached out, don’t forget to send a follow up. And get creative with those notes!Thank them for getting the chance to connect, and if there’s a positive budding rapport– propose a time to meet again. Remember that we’re all people first, so keep your messaging grounded in humanity and shared interest to help your networking feel truthful and not tricky. 

  • Trend-Track: There’s no denying it. Knowledge is power. Deeply understanding yourself, your company, while staying up-to-date in your field is a sure-fire way to stretch who and what you know. Designate time weekly to explore each of your media channels, and see what’s trending. How can you incorporate those trends into your media presence? Or, if you’re not quite ready to do a TikTok challenge, see if any of these trends spark new creative ventures. Share a funny meme or what inspires you to potential contacts, to continue the conversation!

  • Create the Perfect Pitch: When you and your team are meeting new people, having the perfect elevator pitch is a crucial component. It’s an opportunity to tell your own story and manifest where you’d like your company to go! So, map out your mission, and pepper it with language that feels authentic to your business. Note how your company stands out from similar models, and how you’re breaking the mold completely. Address who your target audience is and keep in the back of your mind the steps you’re currently taking to reach them, and your ultimate end-goal. You’ve got this. 

Like anything worth doing, growing your business takes time. And patience, caffeine, and a whole lot of love. Investing in yourself and investing in opportunities to develop who and what you know are key building blocks. We hope that these tips have been helpful in getting you started, or inspiring you to take your team to the next level! As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions. We’re so excited to see what all you discover. 

Always In Your Corner, 

The Content Queens 


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The Art of Sharing + Reposting Content