The Art of Sharing + Reposting Content

Through our media platforms, we share our thoughts with reels and photos. We explore our big questions and what lights us up with carousel graphics and videos. We detail what a bold future looks like through comment sections. But what happens when we’re inspired by another’s work and want to show that to our people? 

We’re here to introduce the art of sharing and re-posting content. 

Sharing and re-posting have become an essential part of digital media and management. They allow your followers to view what’s important to you while allowing your team to be involved in the greater cultural zeitgeist! However, with that great power comes responsibility. Below we’ve written about some of the top benefits of sharing and reposting and what elements you need to remain cautious and courteous of. Let’s get started! 

Benefit #1: Curate Your Brand’s Aesthetic with Re-posting 

Odds are, there’s a company out there you admire or draw inspiration from. You may have a similar mission, love their images and color palette, or applaud them for how they interact with their followership. Start by searching the hashtags of aspects that are important to you and re-posting. Sharing that content is a beautiful way to anchor your aesthetic in something that already exists so that you’re able to leap off and build your own materials. Your audience will get a sense of who you are and what they should expect from your page moving forward. 

Caution #1:  Cite Your Sources

We’re bringing it back to high school English class when we say that you should really try to cite your sources. Citing your sources is not only the respectful and kind thing to do, it can help build relationships and network with the both creator you posted from, and their established audience. Make sure that the original creator’s tag is seen or easily trackable! 
Now this may not always be easy. Quotes are often anonymous, or a TikTok trend may have a shaky origin story– but do your due diligence and research before posting. By seeing that you’re giving credit where it’s deserved– you’re setting yourself up to be trusted on social media, and sending some of that good karma your way. Remember that at the end of the day, we’re all hoping to gain connections off of our platforms, so acknowledging and appreciating each other’s work is always the way to go. We can’t wait to see whose work you share! 

Benefit #2: Establish Relationships with Fellow Creators 

Another amazing benefit to sharing another’s work is that it allows you to establish and expand on relationships with their original creators. When you’re starting your social media, re-posting a fellow creator’s work is a wonderful way to virtually knock on their door and ask them to join your conversation (especially if it’s a smaller creator who is able to regularly respond to all their media engagement.) After posting and tagging them, follow up with a message that states why you were moved to post, what their account means to you, and how you’d like to connect with them further! 

Caution #2: Sharing v. Plagiarism 

It’s safe to say that the desire for fresh, captivating content is at an all-time high. Everyone is looking for content that pops and sparkles, and it’s easiest to look where there’s a track record of success. When you’re sharing content that you love, double-check that you’re not accidentally plagiarizing the original maker. It happens, no one is perfect! But it’s always good to check. While we’re not saying you should never jump on the trend wagon—we’re especially suckers for an amazing dance trend— or emulate something that you really love, take a minute to see if there’s a way that you can put your own creative spin on it! That way, you’re paying homage to what you’re passionate about, while still bringing your own dish to the table. Interested to learn more? Take a peek at our blog post where we detail how to avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism. 

Benefit #3: Build Your Content + Audience 

One of the best benefits of re-posting your favorite funny or though-provoking content? It’s an easy and effective way of building your content, boosting your media interaction analytics, and attracting your target audience. While content creation can be many things– inspiring, exciting, fulfilling— simple is not typically on the list! With appropriately cited shared materials, you can take a breath and re-focus on the mission and messaging of you and your team, and know that your values are known through the work of others. You’ve got this!

Caution #3: Don’t Make Re-Posting Your Entire Account 

Think of re-posting as adding chocolate sauce on your delicious content sundae. The right amount brings all the flavors together and makes your taste buds sing! Too much and it’s a gooey mess that covers all the tasty original ice cream. Make sure that when you share other folks’ content it enhances the work you’re already making, rather than distracting or taking over. Trust that your sundae is solid, and that continuous sharing of your unique work with a dash of others is a recipe for success. 

The art of sharing and re-posting is both a delicate balance and a vital part of constructing your digital footprint. It allows you to open more doors while inspiring and kickstarting your imagination and building lasting relationships with more people than ever before! We hope that these tips have helped start your journey into expanding your content and network, and are so excited to watch your businesses flourish! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!

Always In Your Corner, 
The Content Queens 


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