Divide + Conquer: The Art of Delegation

Starting a new business is like nursing a newborn. It’s your baby! You want to love and protect them, hold their hand through everything, and never let them scrape a knee. There’s a common mentality that in order for things to be done correctly, you have to do them yourself. While it’s totally understandable to want to handle all aspects of your company- it can also be draining, demanding, and depressing to take everything on solo. 

As Content Queens, we believe that collaboration is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. Historically speaking, we were meant to connect and work with each other! Opening ourselves up to outside help and perspectives can open doors you never thought possible. Below are some of our top tips to master the art of delegation. 

  1. Determine your strengths + note what you need: To start your delegation practice, create a list of things you already feel that you’re aces at. Have super-strong graphics? A really clear brand voice? Or maybe you just have an incredible idea. Start with what you’re proud of! Next to that list, jot down elements that need a second set of eyes to reach their full potential. Need a copywriter to beef up your website? Craving a photographer to capture your business’s brilliance? Start researching professionals who you know speak your language. Look at their samples and start a dialogue to get the ball rolling. 

  2. Create a healthy environment for communication: Once you’ve found your people, create a space that nurtures and encourages conversation. If you build a team where everyone feels respected and valued- you’ll get the best results and best work environment! We recommend weekly check-ins with everyone, as well as forming a running document to ask questions, make suggestions, and keep communication open and easy. Creating a judgment-free dialogue is especially important so that all members of your team feel comfortable asking for help/delegating when new tasks arise. 

  3. Create a timeline + mood board for business growth: To avoid company growth plateauing or feeling stagnant, create a timeline and a mood board! Break out Pinterest to show your biggest dreams for your business. Want to be on Fallon? Pin it. Want to have your own best-selling book or podcast? Pin it. It’s important (and fun!) to showcase those lofty goals. Follow up by mapping out the tangible steps to reach said goals. Break it down by decade, year, month, and week. What do you need to be doing in each of those time frames to get you to your goals? See who does what best and who is excited about a particular step, and ask them to manage those! This is a fantastic team-building exercise and a great way to boost morale when things are in flux. 

Delegation is never easy in a society that glamorizes doing it all yourself. Know that you’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed or particularly protective of your business- but also know that there are incredible professionals eager to help you take your plans to the next level. 

As always, we’re here to help!

The Content Queens


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