Content Do’s We Love

The list of things that content marketers can do to improve the content they create can seem endless! From keeping up with various social media algorithms to staying up to date on new marketing trends content creation can seem cumbersome. If you’re looking to improve your content or want to implement a few game-changing strategies, we’re sharing some content dos we love to have in our toolbox! 

 Before we get to that, let's chat really quickly about content marketing and why these content dos are important! 

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the driving force for brand promotion. It’s used to “create a clear mental vision about a product or service in your customer's minds.” The content that’s created fosters a relationship with them, ultimately building your brand’s community. According to Forbes, “Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience–with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” 

Why is it important?

Content marketing is vital because it brings brand awareness to your business it allows your audience to be a part of something that’s bigger and builds a community around your product or service. According to, content marketing is a “promising ticket” to:

  • Secure a Wider Customer Base

  • Generate Leads and Brand Representation

  •  Increase Sales

  • Secure Brand Loyalty

  •  Brand Visibility

  • Traffic Generation to Your Website

 Now that we’ve covered what content marketing is and why it’s important, here are a few content dos that you can implement today! 

Content Do’s We Love 

Share Relevant Content: Present yourself as an expert to your audience, you can do that by posting about relevant topics, concerns, and current news. Sharing relevant content in real-time will help you connect with your readers on a deeper level and help them connect with you as a trusted resource.

Be Consistent: Inconsistent branding is confusing. According to, when you’re inconsistent with your branding you force your audience to keep track of what you’re talking about. When you’re consistent with your content creation, your audience knows what to expect from you and when to expect it. As a result, they recognize your brands, products, and services quicker. put together a brand consistency checklist that you can use while creating content. Here are some additional tips they suggest:

●      Have a Clear Message (your readers should be able to easily follow along)

●      Focus on Your Target audience (it should be clear who you’re talking to)

●      Find Your Voice (the formality, liveliness, and cadence of your content)

●      Choose Your Terminology Wisely (decide whether any words are a good/bad fit for your brand)

●      Pay Attention to Your Punctuation Writing Style (including commas, hyphens, dashes, exclamation points, etc.

Leverage Holidays and Awareness Days: Everyone loves a good novelty holiday. Part of creating engaging content is knowing when relevant holidays are occurring, For example, if you or your client promotes women empowerment then highlighting holidays like Galentine’s Day, Women’s History Month, or National Women’s Day. You can use the opportunities to share behind the scenes of your account, sharing ideas relevant to your business, etc.

 Follow the 80/20 Rule: Keep in mind that you don’t want to oversell your audience. 80% of the content you produce should be informing, entertaining, or inspiring. 20% of your scheduled content can be dedicated to the promotion of products and services. A good content marketing strategy has a nice balance. Try to keep this in mind when cultivating new topics for your content!

Have a Strategy: It’s hard to navigate the marketing world without a good marketing strategy. It’s vital that you’re sharing content that actually connects with your audience and keeps them engaged. Think about the topics you’d like your content to highlight. Stay aligned with your content strategy and use it as a compass when you’re brainstorming content ideas and looking to work with other members of your industry. 

Now that wasn’t so bad, was it? Content creation doesn’t have to be stressful, in fact, it shouldn’t be! It’s important to know the tools that you can utilize to make sure that your content performs successfully without making it a hassle for you or your team. We hope that these five strategies will help you feel confident when creating content based on your content marketing strategy and goals! What are some of your favorite content dos? Is there one we talked about today you wanted to try? Let us know!



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