Digging Deep: Content Myths v. Facts

In the digital age, there are as many opinions on creating content as there are Instagram pages. I.e., a whole lot. There’s a rolodex of methods and thoughts- many of which directly contradict each other. With all that noise, it can be extremely confusing to know what works. Below are some common myths that we’re ready to bust. The following is not to discredit other ideas but rather to share what works for us. Take what works and leave the rest! 

We want to help demystify what’s in a successful content cocktail, and leave you ready to dish out some delicious material. 

Myth #1: Self-promotion is Everything Some self-promotion is imperative to make your mission known and share details about your products/services. Please share what makes you unique and why people need to have your goods in their life! But! It should not make up the majority of your content. Think from a reader’s perspective- it can feel sales-y and off-putting to see nothing but self-promotion on your feed. 

Truth #1: Learn the 80/20 Rule Top-tier marketing executives have noted that the most impactful companies have mastered the 80/20 rule. They state that 80% of your content should be educational, entertaining, and/or inspirational. 20% should highlight your golden products. Think about your favorite social media pages- what types of content are they discussing? Aim to blend sharing content that your dream audience would connect to with peppering in your services. Draw them in with the beautiful world you’ve created, and then show how they can create their own with your help. 

Myth #2: Share the Same Content to Every Social Channel Tackling all social channels can absolutely give your business a boost! However, it is most crucial to determine what kind of content excels on each platform. It can be frustrating and exhausting to be posting the same style of materials across all mediums, and not seeing them perform to their full potential. 

Truth #2: Learn Your Channels + Brand Voice Are you the master of the one-liner? Twitter’s your game. Do you have stunning products that are begging to be photographed? Head to Instagram. Does your company target business professionals or share long-form information? LinkedIn is the way to go. 

You can absolutely post across multiple channels! And, determining where your brand voice lives in the digital world will create the most natural match. 

Myth #3: I Need To Be A Writer to Make Great Copy You do not need to be a bestselling author or prolific blogger to make poignant, provocative content. More often than not, we get caught up in the idea that there’s always more to accomplish before starting. Take a deep breath and put fingers to keys. You’ve got this! 

Truth #3: You Need to Mold An Experience Whether or not you identify as a writer or content creator, the primary goal is to create an experience with your words and images. Building a sanctuary of learning or pleasure, or resources is the most powerful tool in your arsenal. Focus on establishing a special place, and your audience will flock to you. 

We hope that our team of myth-busters has given you a confidence boost. Now get started! 

We’re cheering you on from afar. 

-The Content Queens 


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