Mastering Holiday Productivity: 7 Tips for Working from Home Like a Pro

The holidays are upon us, and with them comes a host of distractions. You might feel like you’ll never get enough time to spend with your family, friends, and loved ones. It can be challenging to stay focused on your end goal when so much else is going on at once. Fortunately, the same principle that makes the holiday season so alluring for freelancers also works in our favor—we have more access than ever before to work from home. 

No need to settle for a limited number of hours or stick to an office just because your company doesn’t offer remote working opportunities. Instead, set up a freelance environment wherever you find yourself most productive and comfortable. Here are some tips to help you maximize the benefits of working from home this holiday season while keeping stress levels at bay:

 1. Set Up Shop Before Everyone Else Arrives

So you’re finally in the groove at home and you’ve managed to set up a quiet space in your house for business. However, holiday traditions may have your family arriving unexpectedly before you’ve had a chance to really settle. If this happens, it’s best to set up shop before anyone else arrives. 

You’re going to want to create the most space possible for work. When choosing where to set up your workspace, keep in mind the flow of movement in your family. If possible, try to set up in an area that gives you a clear sight of your entire space as well as the path that others most frequently take into your space.

 2. Keep Your Workspace Tidy and Neat

If your workspace is messy, you won’t be able to focus on your work. You have to keep your workspace tidy and neat, so that you can see what you’re working on and so you can find what you’re looking for. Your workspace should be organized and clearly marked so you know where everything is in relation to everything else. 

This can be difficult, because your workspace might be your home office. It might be natural for your workspace to get a little out of control. If this happens, you can’t let your workspace get to the point where it’s too messy to function. 

3. Be Proactive About Communication

With so many people and events clamoring for your time, it’s easy to forget your own agenda. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you have to be proactive about communicating with your family and friends. You might be surprised at how much you can catch up on if you don’t let the season disrupt your own communication schedule. 

Keeping in touch with family and friends helps you stay connected with your network and gives you a chance to catch up on projects that are on hold for the season. You can also find time to do things you enjoy but haven’t had time for because of commitments and obligations.

4. Have a Game Plan to Stay Organized

You have to have a game plan for the season and the rest of the year, too. When you don’t have a plan, you’re going to end up with a badly cocked calendar and a lot of frustration. You need to know when you’re working, when you’re off, what you need to be doing, and who you’re doing it with. 

You also need to know if you’re getting paid for what you’re doing. For example, are you working on a holiday project but not being paid for it? When you know what you’re doing and when you’re doing it, you’re less likely to get overwhelmed. You also have more time to think about what you’re doing and what you’re working on. The holidays are a great time to catch up on projects you’ve been meaning to work on. 

5. Take A Break and Recharge

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life when you’re working from home. You may not be able to soak in as much Vitamin D as you normally do when you’re at the office. To keep yourself from burning out, take regular breaks and find ways to recharge. 

Try putting on your favorite podcasts while you eat a snack, take a walk with the dogs, or run errands around your town. De-stress yourself, catch up with loved ones, or take a few hours to yourself to recharge and refocus on your goals. 

Taking a break from work is important because it allows you to refresh, re-center, and re-energize. It keeps you feeling sharp, productive, and enthusiastic when you return to work. 

6. Don’t Skip The Small Stuff

It’s easy to feel like you don’t have the time to also take care of your family and friends during the holidays. However, don’t skip over the small stuff. One of the best ways to show your loved ones how much you care is through actions. 

Take the time to send cards and write handwritten notes to people in your life who mean a lot to you. Make time to call your family and friends while they’re not expecting it. Reaching out with these small acts will show your loved ones that you care and help you feel like you’re taking care of yourself.

7. Finish what you start and celebrate success

If you take the time to plan and do your work, it will be much easier to celebrate the success when it happens. Take the time to celebrate your wins with family and friends who care about you. This can help you to put a positive spin on what you accomplished while also sharing your joy with others. 

Whether you’re working from home or not, the holidays are a great time to make sure you take some time for yourself. This doesn’t need to be a stressful experience. Instead, make it a time to relax and enjoy the things you love. Don’t be afraid to carve out some time for yourself and take a day off once in a while. 

These small changes can make a big difference in your overall happiness and satisfaction with your freelancing experience, especially during the holidays.

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