Instagram in 2023: Predicted Trends & Algorithm Changes

Picture this: you’ve worked for ages on an idea you think Instagram users will enjoy, you’ve finished the post, and for some reason, no one is interacting with it. Chances are that this is not a problem with your work but the ever-changing Instagram algorithm. Whether you’re looking to promote your personal brand or that of a company, it can get challenging to keep up with what Instagram wants. Despite heavy backlash last year, Instagram isn’t likely to reverse any of its new features. So, if you haven’t already, now’s the time to work with Instagram to ensure you get the reach you deserve.

Video Is Queen, Specifically Reels

Like most other social media platforms, Instagram has been pushing videos for a while now. The last few years have been a mere test to see how well Reels would work on Instagram, given that the same format is being used on TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest, and Youtube. The result is a clear and overwhelming success. As more people watch reels, the more Instagram wants you to watch reels. Reels are here to stay, and a big hint is that the notification button has been replaced by a new one to watch reels.

To stay on Instagram’s good side, make sure you’re posting a lot of video content. Use audio clips that are currently trending, post often, and make sure that the cover of the reel still matches your feed. While reels will boost your reach, followers still might not gravitate toward you if the grid aesthetic isn’t as good as it can be.

Get Twitter Witty on Instagram

It’s pretty apparent that Twitter isn’t doing too well lately. With Elon Musk continually ramping up layoffs and ever-increasing glitches in the user experience, Instagram has a new role to fill. Instagram recently released a new feature, ‘Notes.’ It follows the logic of saying something snappy and constantly replacing it. While it is currently only visible to people who are already followers, Instagram is pushing it further.

2023 is the time to transfer your wit and brevity from Twitter to Instagram to stay as engaged as possible with the app, which will encourage the app to promote your account.

Timing Matters

You’ve probably already heard that timing your posts is vital on Instagram. Well, this feature is here to stay. Depending on the audience you want to reach (age and geographical demographics), you need to research to figure out the prime time for posting. There are many apps you can use that help calculate average user engagement and accordingly let you know what time you should be uploading your content. If your key audience isn’t online when you’re posting, the chances of it being bumped to the top of a user’s feed are slim.

Immediate engagement with a post is a crucial factor in defining its ultimate success. For example, suppose you post artwork when your audience is online and likes and comments immediately pour in. In that case, the post will have a higher chance of showing up on people’s explore page and at the top of their feed. On the other hand, if engagement is low from the start, it’ll be difficult for the post to gain traction later on.

Hashtags Are Still Relevant

Hashtags may seem like a dated concept. After all, when was the last time you searched for something only based on a hashtag? The reality is that hashtags have simply changed their function. Earlier, you could click on a hashtag and view all the posts from it. Now, you have two options: you can go the old route and find content through hashtags, but more importantly, even if you search a random topic on Instagram, it’ll primarily show you content that either contains that hashtag or is relatively adjacent to it.

Be careful with your hashtags because even in 2023, hashtag stuffing is a poor move. It decreases the chances of your post being viewed and may even get the algorithm against you. Instead, use hashtags mindfully and sparingly so that Instagram can direct your work to the most relevant audience.

Long Captions

When it began, Instagram was primarily an app to share photos. It’s clear that this is not the case anymore, with long-form captions and video content gaining increasing popularity. The algorithm promotes long captions—whatever the topic may be—more than terse ones. Instead of viewing this as more work you must do, use it to communicate thoughtfully to your audience; what does this post mean to you? What is the purpose of it? What was your experience creating it?

It can be tempting to just stick an emoji in the caption and be done with the post, but using this space as a mini blog increases the value of your account, drives traffic toward you, and can help you express yourself to your audience.

Instagram, apart from being a social media platform, is a valuable tool. The more care, effort, and time you put into it will translate into better yield. To boost your journey further, remember these algorithm trends the next time you post.

Always in your corner,

The Content Queens


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